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Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Steven Blasini and BenniQue Blasini, aka "BlaziQue"

Steven Blasini and BenniQue Blasini, aka "BlaziQue", are a husband and wife duo from Los Angeles, CA. Together for 20 years now and sharing ALL aspects of their careers... they work and play together 24/7. In addition to music, they also own and operate a Visual Effects Studio where their work ranges from major theatrical releases, thru TV, thru web media. Steven began his love of music from toddler age.. being "rhythmically" blessed.. he banged and pounded on anything he could find. In the 80's he dove in (while working as an office manager) composing and recording original songs on Casio VL-TONE's and up. Not having an actual studio.. he would layer multiple tracks by using two separate stereo cassette decks and using the LEFT and RIGHT channels as "individual" recording layers. Mixing track 2 into track 1 and recording new layers onto track 2 and swapping cassettes, rinse and repeat. It was crude.. but it worked. Later, as technology improved.. came the personal computers with sound cards and limitless channels. Steven played drums and percussion natively.. moved on to teach himself guitar, keyboards and eventually found his dream instrument.. the one that bonded with his soul... his BASS! Being a YES fanatic since they began in the late 60's.. Chris Squire of YES became Steven's remote mentor (even though he didn't know it.. haha). Paul McCartney, Victor Wooten and many others round out Steven's learning style. While he is a member of an original rock band, he continues to write and develop songs with his wife at their home studio as BlaziQue. Oh, yeah, this time it's a PROPER studio! ;-) During these strange times and being confined, they have let their creativity soar and are currently working on several new song projects slated for release later in the month on Spotify, So stay TUNED!

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