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Saturday, 25 April 2020


It is with great regret that I have to inform you that my current distributor has decided to limit the number of intrumental tracks that any artist can release.

So with great regret I have to inform all of you that there will be no more releases from either Musical Artizan or David N Slater.

Good job I have plenty of other activies I can busy myself with this blog being one of them. If you wish to help me keep busy during this time of lockdown and into the forseeable future then do not hesitate to contact me regarding blog features and playlist placement.

Unless I can find a lyricist and singer to work with on collab tunes this is the end of the road as far my music output goes.

If you can offer some collab opportunities and a means to achieve that then by all means contact me.

There is one other thing that I can do and that is produce video of the spoken word from my daretobelieve blog. I have meant to do it for sometime but for various reasons have not got round to it.

There are two albums in the pipeline the Manic Mania and The Bad Lands. These two shall be my last releases.


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