Listening to songs from my heartache and love playlist.
Got my headphones on too (Bluetooth is awesome)
Sunday tomorrow so I'm going to mum's for breakfast, then church.
Church is a major part of my life.
Sunday morning during the worship is when I pen my daretobelieve blog source material. I say source material but the words just form in my head. I just tidy up punctuation and spelling at home the next day.
When things are flowing, punctuation and spelling are the last things I need to think about.
I have 29 blogs already written which are still in draft mode.
So Im ahead of myself when it comes to material.
I plan to read them over some suitable composed music. So thats my next project over the next few months. Not sure how many? As long as it takes I suppose !!
Well that's me done, for now at least.
Bye see you in the next blog.