Kevin Ray began his music journey as a teenager when he wrote with his brother. Later he joined the Air Force, after 21 years he shares his passion for music,worship and Jesus.
Specific Moments is a happy go lucky band from Bergen Norway. Still, their songs are about real life issues. This is music suitable for both that really good party mood and those moments when a proper song is what you need to get things going
Fly Me Away is about finding a sanctuary or a peaceful place to go when you are overwhelmed with either stress or negativity. Fly away to someplace different that lets you find your own inner peace.
Fly Me Away is the first offering from their forthcoming EP, released by Lekrofon. This is a guitar driven sing along funky pop song that really sticks! We hope to see it hit the airwaves and suitable playlists.
Release 7. June 2019 : Fly Me Away 3:28 : funky indie pop
The following is a copy of their facebook bio which I have translated in google translate
Minimumskravet til musikkonservatoriet i København er en utdannelse innen musikk. Heldigvis oppfylte ikke Martin dette kravet, da han og Fredrik kun har en bachelor som musikklærer. Dette medførte til at bandet som kun skulle være et prosjekt for å prøvespille på konservatoriet fikk en mer permanent status, og fikk navnet Specific Moments.
Med på lasset kom også Ben og Kenny, som en stabil og trygg rytmeseksjon. Denne kombinasjonen av musikere skaper en sjangerforståelse og musikalsk retning som er unik innen bandmusikk. Specific Moments er influert av det positive og dansbare, og har som filosofi at uansett hvor mørke temaer det blir skrevet om, så skal det alltid være en "silver lining".
The minimum requirement for the music conservatory in Copenhagen is an education in music. Fortunately, Martin did not meet this requirement, as he and Fredrik only have a bachelor's degree as a music teacher. This meant that the band that was only going to be a project to test play at the conservatory got a more permanent status, and got the name Specific Moments. Ben and Kenny came along as well, as a stable and safe rhythm section. This combination of musicians creates a genre , understanding and musical direction that is unique in band music. Specific Moments is influenced by the positive and the danceable, and has as a philosophy that no matter how dark themes are written about, there should always be a "silver lining".
Atonal music is a generalizing term used to define music that seems to lack a clear tonal centre. Nearly all music in the western classical tradition is considered 'tonal': that is, its harmonic structure is primarily triadic and hierarchically organized around a prominent tonal centre
I do my best work when I cobble things together, if had tried to plan this I would not have been able to make it work.
If you dont know the difference watch this little video.
Here is what the score looks like.
If you want more info then have a look at this article on wikipedia.
Fashion Week describe themselves as an alternative rock band. They originate in Columbus Ohio
Their top track Scars has had over 200,000 streams Dark of the Cinema and Everyone Pretends have both had more than 20,000. They definately are making an impact. According to their stats they enjoyed a significant increase in streams recently. Well Done!!